Why Cant u Get Along??
We all have to use both Apple and Google apps - why make it so difficult? For what I spend on electronics and apps, I should not be part of this ridiculous war. Set an example and just maybe our government will follow. Most of us want to get along and want what is best for us all - thats called compromise. In case you arent paying attention - there is revolution brewing everywhere; and our youth who are very technologically savvy, and more often than not dont worship the all mighty corporate dollar. I have no doubt that the "Millennials" or whatever the following group (if we still have a world) is called will come up with solutions that will make your ludicrous Apple/Google war unimportant. Are short term profits that important to yall? You either get it or you dont. Laws against using our phones actively while driving are in place in many - and soon most - states. If youre not part of the solution - you guessed it: youre part of the problem.
Linda Claudine about Google Maps, v4.30.0