Getting Lost... NOW
I used to depend on Google maps.
I cant any longer because it tells me to make a turn when its obvious that making that turn would cause me a fatal car accident.
As a sidebar making that turn would cost for me to get a moving violation ticket which in New York City is a minimum of $185 to start because when youre stopped for a traffic infraction in New York City the police will normally try to find something else that they feel is "wrong" And give you an additional ticket or tickets so that they could make their monthly quota.
Now mind you it took 40 years for the New York police to even admit that they have quarters each and every month to give tickets because for 40 years they deny that.
So now I must actually have a back up to the Google maps and a back up to that to ensure that Im making the right turn and going the right rate of speed because either the sign so wrong according to the police or my speedometer is not accurate or so they say. Please, for heaven sake, update Google Maps so that it really does use the GPS in the sky so that it does not tell me to make a left turn when I cant make a left turn because that would either caused me to die and at least of wall give me a ticket that if I dont pay the five to $700 I lose my driving privileges.
RS203618 about Google Maps, v4.31.1