Recent updates have defaulted my current location to always be my "home" location even though the indicator of my actual location is correct making navigation impossibly frustrating and unsafe. Even hitting active navigation to destination gets confused with rerouting. Ive used mobile google maps for years and its my go to. Please fix this, google.
Google Maps App Reviews
Google kills it as always
Just simply the most useful and amazing app on my phone
Gps issues
This used to be my go to app, now all of a sudden when I use "my location" it just puts me at home or at work. Not where I actually am, even though it knows where I am. It just keeps saying re routing until I put in the actual location Im at so I can find a route.
Last update broke everything. Apple Maps is way better.
Wont my location
When selecting from my location for route planning, it uses an old location although the map clearly shows current location with a dot.
I love google maps but....
The new update has made the app unusable. The app either cant find my current location or just pops up retorting the entire time. Please fix this bug I hate having to use apple maps.
Wont track as I drive
It use to be before when I would start from where I was and head out to my destination it would track my path, now it just sits there and does nothing. And in order to update where I am I have to close it out and restart it.... I shouldnt have to do this!!!
Dont trust drive time
It used to be good but now its showing weird driving times. 30 mins from here to a 0.1 mile away? 35 mins for a two box class distance? And yes, thats in "car" time. Not walking time. Sometimes walking time shows less time than car time.
About the google maps
Hi google maps can you Make this app offline please this will be helpful Love you google
This version cant recognize me where I am when I use navigation
This version cant recognize me where I am when I use navigation! Or it stars in the same place where I am not in there!
Location Not Working
"From Current Location" not working when using directions. Google Maps knows my location but when you do directions it maps from a different location.
Stopped working all of a sudden
It shows my current location but every route starts at home location even when i chose the starting point to be current location. Then when I started navigation it stucked on reroute.
Very good
I used it sometimes and its very useful
Totally disabled by "rerouting" bug.
Chooses a random starting point then when I say to start navigating it centers on my actual position and says its rerouting but never actually does. This app is completely disabled right now. Ive tried restarting my phone, uninstalling then reinstalling. Still does the same thing.
Worst bug Ive ever seen on a google app
The map knows my location, but when i started routing, it instead used another location as the beginning point so it ended up recalculating.
Used to be awesome
So Ive always preferred google maps over apple maps but all of a sudden it has just stopped working at all. I updated, that didnt work, I deleted and re downloaded, and still doesnt work. It knows where I am (shows arrow thing in Corron spot) but routes from somewhere Im not currently located. Then when I start moving it gets stuck "rerouting" and the map freezes. Im really disappointed and upset that this large of a glitch got through.
Bug! Pls fix.
Something is wrong with this current app. The map clearly knows my location via the blue dot, but when I try to get driving directions it thinks my starting location is somewhere else in my city. It doesnt make sense. Then when I start the driving directions hoping itll correct itself, it just keep saying "rerouting" continuously.
Worth it
Accurate locations. Live traffic updates with re-routing for the fastest route. Worth the download.
Add next Interstate exit number info
Please Display the next exit number immediately once on the interstate instead of just a couple miles beforehand.
Done with you
Ive been on ur forum and no help at all and ur recent update still hasnt fixed the issue. It keeps saying my location is at the last place I was at and it does this every time and now its stuck at my job permanently!! I can see why u prefer not having a support number cause we would blow it up big time for this nonsense. Im done trying
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