I never write reviews but...I use google maps All the time since I travel all over for work. With your recent update even though I dont have it set to avoid tolls it is not showing the fastest route. It is avoiding the toll roads. For me this is a big issue. Adds 40 min to my commute. You know it is bad when the apple map is working better. Also wants to take me in a circle around my home before getting on my way. Please fix so I can use the app again!!!!! The advantage your app had for me was the option to select routes. Looks like I am going to try Waze.
Google Maps App Reviews
App not working?
Latest update made app frozen on iPhone 6s+ even when trying to use maps portion of Google app?
My favorite
I like it better than the maps on my iPhone
Update auto center
For the love of god why the hell did the latest update take away auto centering? Put it back
Fix the bug
After the app updated I have not been able to get accurate location. The blue dot will show my correct location but then when I try to navigate somewhere else from that location the directions give me a starting point of somewhere miles away.
Still better than Apple maps
Even though there are significant bugs on iOS that dont exist on the 5-star Android app, Im still giving it 4 stars because of its superiority to Apples own solution.
Wrong location
This app used to be my go to for navigation. However, lately it does not know my location. It thinks I am on a completely different road and starts giving me directions based off of this inaccurate location!!! Please fix this bug!!!
Please fix!
This used to be my Map App of choice, but recently Ive been getting the incorrect "your location" location and the app hangs in rerouting. Please fix!!
Only the best
Not every maps service is perfect, but google maps has always been the best
Good App
Sometimes has glitches, mostly works great though.
Needs One touch list & preview
-NEED DIRECTION LIST ONE TOUCH ACCESS. WHY PUT IT IN A DROP DOWN MENU AGAIN. ITS DANGEROUS. WE HAD ONE TOUCH LIST AND Route PREVIEW. -- New: stop rerouting my chosen route. I wanted a highway & it kept rerouting me to dangerous area which I wanted to avoid. 1.---get rid up pop ups. We dont need to know route is clear. Or if there is traffic. The color coding and ETA time tells us that in one look. Dont need a pop to say everything is normal. 2.---HOME AND WORK SHOULD POP UP FIRST. whats the point of programming them in, if you still have to search for them? 3.---keep the destination on the same st. As the address. If its 100 main st. Why do the directions say turn on Broadway. Main st is the address not another st. Didnt ask to get close asked for exact location.--
Labels do not save for dropped Pin
After dropping the pin and adding to favorites. Add label function does not retain the label name after saving and reselecting the favorite dropped Pin. Please fix.
Getting Lost... NOW
I used to depend on Google maps. I cant any longer because it tells me to make a turn when its obvious that making that turn would cause me a fatal car accident. As a sidebar making that turn would cost for me to get a moving violation ticket which in New York City is a minimum of $185 to start because when youre stopped for a traffic infraction in New York City the police will normally try to find something else that they feel is "wrong" And give you an additional ticket or tickets so that they could make their monthly quota. Now mind you it took 40 years for the New York police to even admit that they have quarters each and every month to give tickets because for 40 years they deny that. So now I must actually have a back up to the Google maps and a back up to that to ensure that Im making the right turn and going the right rate of speed because either the sign so wrong according to the police or my speedometer is not accurate or so they say. Please, for heaven sake, update Google Maps so that it really does use the GPS in the sky so that it does not tell me to make a left turn when I cant make a left turn because that would either caused me to die and at least of wall give me a ticket that if I dont pay the five to $700 I lose my driving privileges.
Gets you there
Besides Waze, I think this app is helpful.
Google maps in its current iteration is a true POS. The basic function of mapping is to get you from here to there. Not share where you are at. Whats the point of sharing where you are at if you dont know where you are. To be sure if you navigate enough you can find your way around this tool. But the point is this is a tool. Right now its a silly toy.
Bug fix
I used to love this app and used it daily, but it is rendered useless after the last update. There is no "your location" and resorts back to my "home" location. All it says is rerouting. Please fix so I dont have to use the iPhone maps app...
The purpose of GPS is to TELL you where youre going...this map only talks at the beginning ("there is usual traffic") and then is completely silent. Horrible and not safe at all.
Misidentifies current location
App has recently started misidentifying current location and doesnt readjust. Current location is often another location that I have searched and is nowhere near current location. Blue GPS indicator is accurate but isnt reflected in current location. Please fix!
Please fix
Please fix whatever you have broken, the app no longer works. It does not calculate your location properly, and says that your desired location and present location are the same thing, completely useless.
Update didnt work
Did an update yesterday as my app said it was needed to fix bugs. Now when I put address in says takes 4 days 16 hours to get somewhere that is only 2 hours away.
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